Facebook like

Real person likes

We hire real people from around the world to give you the most authentic data.

Natural growth, deduction of quantity and compensation package
  • Global dispersed accounts
  • Accounts ranging from 1 to 10 years
  • Accounts with avatars and normal nicknames
  • There are accounts that publish and interact
Category Price (per thousand units)
Facebook public page fans $20.00
Facebook like $18.00
Facebook Share $5.00
Facebook like icon $18.00
10 authentic Facebook related comments $20.00
Facebook group members $18.00
Facebook video viewing | 15 second pause | can be used to earn advertising revenue $5.00
Facebook video viewing | 30 second pause | can be used to earn advertising revenue $7.00
Facebook video viewing | 60 second pause | can be used to earn advertising revenue $15.00
Watch Facebook Live | 30 minutes $35.00
Watch Facebook Live | 60 minutes $60.00
Watch Facebook Live | 90 minutes $80.00
Watch Facebook Live | 120 minutes $100.00

Your Facebook needs us!

Make traffic propagation easier

Research shows that the more likes you receive, the greater your chances of being shared by someone.

Increase social influence

Companies with more social influence appear more trustworthy in their eyes。

Improve recommendation ranking

Dynamics with more likes are more likely to be recommended to unfamiliar potential users。

Ensure results